
Introduction to the Vehicle Combat Kits.

If you're reading this, you've probably purchased one of the Vehicle Combat Kits, either the Space Combat Kit, or the Mech Combat Kit. Congratulations! These starter kits will give you a solid foundation to build and customize your game on top of.

To help you make the most of the many in-depth features available in your kit, and make fast, enjoyable progress with your game, this user guide has been written up.

If you prefer video tutorials, there are loads of in-depth videos covering different parts of the kits here:

Space Combat Kit - Video Tutorial Playlist

Mech Combat Kit - Video Tutorial Playlist

All the vehicle combat kits share a common foundation and lots of common systems, making it easy to use them together in the same project. You'll find that most of the video tutorials and documentation don't refer specifically to either of the kits when the information is exactly the same no matter what kit you use.

To begin, we'll learn how to install these kits into new or existing projects.

Last updated